6 ways to find new content ideas

Curious about the right content strategy that will help you get in front of your target audience? Read more here!
by Merle van Wieringen on 12-Apr-2021
3 mins read

We live in a technologic world where social media becomes bigger and more important every day. The number of influencers is growing increasingly and it becomes harder and harder to get discovered. The big amount of social media platforms makes it easy for someone to share any article, photo or video. So how will you make sure that your target audience notice you? This blog will tell you the right content strategy who will help you get in front of your target audience.

First of all, you have to decide: “what are my content goals?”. Every social media post (or another kind of message such as an email campaign) you share, must be related to your content goals. So, it’s important to know what you are trying to achieve.  This can be for example creating awareness or it can be about trying to build up a stronger relationship between you and your target audience. 
After you decided what your content goals are, you are going to identify the pain points of your audience. A pain point is something that bothers your audience and it’s something that they would like to see changed. So, every piece of content you create should help solve the audience’s problem. I hear you thinking: “but how do I know what my audiences pain points are?”. Well sometimes, they let you know directly but other times you have to do a little digging yourself.

Source: orangedotcom

Embrace and use seasonal content. Although seasonal content is relevant for a specific period, it can definitely help you to create new content. When we talk about seasonal content you can think about the back-to-school season. We encourage you to find a holiday marketing calendar within all the important dates of the year which can help you devise new content. 
Other ways to increase your content ideas are asking your audience what they would like to see. This can be done through social media polls or by asking directly. Also, analyse your existing content. What kind of content does my audience already like? Last but not least: research the popular content in your domain. This can easily be done by following the content your target audience share or by looking at the content of your competitors. 

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