How to use Yeefu?

Yeefu serves as a platform for influencers to launch their meaningful merchandise easily. The origins of Yeefu can be read here.
by Peet Klaassen on 12-Apr-2021
3 mins read

Yeefu serves as a platform for influencers to launch their meaningful merchandise easily. The origins of Yeefu can be read here.

We provide a full-service solution for launching merchandise,  from designing to delivery Yeefu covers it all. 

But how do you use the platform? 
So, you want to inspire your fan-base by launching merchandise,  the only thing that you need to do as a partner is to promote your products to your fans. Your products will go on sale for a limited time, produced and distributed by Yeefu. Portions of the proceeds will then go to a charity or organisation of your choosing. 

Several influencers have already proceeded you.
We have been working with several influencers already. Some examples are Luqman Podolski, Pinda Panda and the Epicism crew. The names will link to the campaign pages of the launch. Together with Yeefu they came up with a campaign and story for their merchandise. With their ideas and our in-house designer, we created beautiful t-shirt designs which can be found on the campaign pages of the influencers. 

To launch your merchandise you can easily go to the Get Started page here.

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